for you? ...

- If you never danced and you just want to!
- If you think it´s not possible?
- If you want to come here, getting close to more curious people who try new sensations that will change your body (or even your life!)...
- If you want to come here, getting close to more curious people who try new sensations that will change your body (or even your life!)...
reach, almost to touch
tango implies more than a dance, it´s a discipline that can fill your life.
My experience as a learning guide reveals me situations beyond a class context, touching deep inside of us.
tango transforms our emotions and our operative intelligence, our way to deal with situations in every single part of our lives.
tango becomes a space of inner and interpersonal development that promotes the exercice of liberty, honesty, self awareness and trust between eachother.

Both dancers, man and woman, look for eachother in a proactive way: the union of both becomes one single entity.
There is no leader and follower, or if there is, it doesn´t matter; all what matters is the bond between eachother.
Listening to eachother proactively become both feelings into a single will.
tango e v o l u t i v o ? . . .
tango evolutivo is a method. A different perspective of learning and practice.
It´s a systematic reorganization of all elemets existing in tango.
But... a different perspective also creates different dancers.
We don´t work with figures as technical principles. We work with ideas.
The figures are just possible results of our thoughts.
If you copy "what you see", you will love what your teacher does.
If you discover yourself, you will love "what you do".
tango evolutivo works for all, begineers and experienced dancers of all styles of tango.